Kwa Mhlanga
Plant Hire (KMPH).

As with Kwa Mhlanga Construction (KMC), KMPH also progressively grew since 2007.  This was accomplished with multiple complete road-building teams equipped with the necessary graders, rollers, excavators, 10m³ tippers and water carts to efficiently complete the building of roads and other projects timeous.
Operations are supported with a fleet of smaller large plant e.g. Tractor-Loader-Backhoe's (TLB) as well as small plant which are constantly growing as infrastructure projects and needs of KMC grew.
In the Group's endeavour towards its vision, KMPH is constantly spearheading innovation, competitiveness and improvement.  This in an effort to provide our valuable clients with above-standards of work and craftsmanship, at market related prices.

KMPH achieves these by obtaining specialised plant, equipment and resources.  Notwithstanding our capable human resources, KMPH's humble beginnings by means of a Fiori self-propelled concrete mixer (a self-loading 4m³ mobile batching and mixing vehicle) and six remote controlled Bomag BMP8500 trench compactors ensured a competitive advantage in a very challenging market.  This was emphasised by a recently published article (“Perfect for South Africa's soils”) by the Bomag Fayat Group.  It needs mention that KMPH was the first company to import two of these units.

The armoury was recently (2015) expanded by three highly specialised 5700-B and 5700-C Power Curber, two track slipform concrete machines.  It's a fast, compact and versatile machine that helps KMPH to bring projects in on time.  In addition to kerb work, the machines can slipform safety barriers, sidewalks, V and U Drains, irrigation ditches, highway dividers, golf and pedestrian paths, stadium risers and other specialised applications.

To supplement the Power Curbers, KMPH also imported a state of the art Multis MS 750/5500 Cube S (30m³/hr) Batching Plant.  This Italian (IMER) wet batch plant is fully supported by an on-site, independent, laboratory to constantly test each batch of concrete leaving the plant.  Even during power cuts, the 110KVA backup generator ensures that no production is lost.

With paving widths of 2.5m to 10m, KMPH's Bomag BF800P 'highway' paving machine is ideal for medium to large-scale construction projects on roads.  Road construction is a complex task, but the KMPH's paver is systematically designed for high paving outputs and efficiency.  KMC is currently utilizing the Bomag BF800P for the construction of layerworks including sub base and base layers. 

To ensure consistency, KMPH is equipped with a fleet of service vehicles and full time heavy duty diesel mechanics.  Preventative maintenance is KMPH's motto, but repairing breakdowns on site or in the fully equipped workshop is fast and effective.  The workshop team, complete with its own boiler-maker and small plant mechanic, in turn supports the mechanics, sites and Group very effectively.